If you’re weary of feeling like your every word is under surveillance, or if you’ve had it up to here with other AI chatbots incessantly prying into your personal life only to later hurl endless advertisements at you, then perhaps it’s time for a change.

Let me introduce you to Leo—brought to us by Brave—which is revolutionizing the AI game right before our eyes. What sets Leo apart from its rivals? Simple – Your privacy! Nestled securely within the fortress-like structure of the Brave browser itself, this smart bot can efficiently accomplish various tasks without holding onto any chats or demanding any private data.

This guarantees complete anonymity and absolute peace of mind for users. So hang tight; we’re just getting started on why Leo could very well be crowned as the safest AI Assistant around today!

Key Takeaways

  • Leo, the AI chatbot developed by Brave, prioritizes user privacy and does not store chats or require personal details.
  • Leo is seamlessly integrated within the Brave browser, making it easily accessible to desktop users without the need for a separate app or tool.
  • Leo can perform various tasks such as summarizing articles, answering questions, creating new content, and switching languages.
  • Leo’s AI technology utilizes state-of-the-art algorithms from Claude Instant by Anthropic, ensuring both efficiency and security in its operations.


Brave’s AI Chatbot: Leo

Leo is Brave’s AI chatbot that focuses on user privacy and intelligence, seamlessly integrated within the Brave browser to perform a wide range of tasks.

Leo’s focus on user privacy and intelligence

Leo keeps your chats private. It does not need you to give out personal details for you to use it. Also, once the chat ends, Leo forgets about it all right away. This helps stop anyone from storing or using your talks in bad ways.

Unlike Bing and Chat GPT, Leo puts user privacy first and makes sure no one uses your browsing data for ads. Your identity, where you are, what device you use— they all stay hidden thanks to a thing called an ‘anonymized reverse proxy.’ Even more impressive is that Leo gets its power from Claude Instant by Anthropic’s AI tech.

That means fast service and tight security at all times!

Integration within the Brave browser

Leo lives in the Brave browser. This chatbot is always ready to help. You just need to click on Leo’s icon. Then, you can ask him questions or give tasks. There is no need for a separate app or tool.

Leo uses AI technology and blends it with the Brave browser smoothly. It keeps your data safe at each step of use. No chats get saved and no details asked from you by Leo.

Tasks Leo can perform

I want to share with you the many tasks that Leo, Brave’s AI Chatbot, can do. First off, I need to tell you that Leo is good at summarizing articles. This means you can get a quick idea of any article without reading the whole thing. Another neat thing is Leo’s ability to answer questions.

If you’re curious about something, just ask Leo! It does not stop there. Leo also knows how to make new content on its own. Finally, this smart chatbot can switch languages easily, allowing it to communicate with users from all over the world. These are just some of the ways Leo makes use of artificial intelligence and natural language processing abilities!

Leo’s Launch and Availability


leo on brave

Leo was initially showcased to the public and received positive feedback for its impressive capabilities, and now it is available for all desktop users of the Brave browser.

Initial showcase and positive feedback

I’m excited to share with you the initial showcase of Leo, Brave’s AI chatbot! When Leo was first unveiled on August 21, 2023, it received positive feedback from users. People were impressed by its speed, privacy protection, and versatility in performing tasks.

After testing and refining Leo, Brave made it available for all desktop users on November 2, 2023. Today, over a million individuals use Leo daily to enjoy its fast performance and diverse range of tasks.

It’s great to see such favorable reactions during the launch of this innovative AI technology!

Availability for all desktop users

I’m happy to share that Leo, Brave’s AI chatbot, is now available for all desktop users. This means that regardless of your operating system or device, you can take advantage of Leo’s capabilities right from your computer.

It doesn’t matter if you’re using Windows, Mac, or Linux – Leo is compatible with all major desktop platforms.

With this release, Brave has made sure that Leo is accessible to as many users as possible. You don’t need any specialized equipment or software to use Leo on your desktop. Just install the Brave browser and start chatting with Leo right away.

It’s a user-friendly experience designed to make it easy for anyone to interact with an AI assistant.

By making Leo available for all desktop users, Brave has opened up a world of possibilities when it comes to conversational AI. Whether you want help with tasks like finding information online, managing your calendar, or even just having a friendly conversation, Leo is there for you.

Premium version of Leo

The premium version of Leo offers faster responses and additional functionalities to enhance your AI chatbot experience. With the premium version, you can access advanced assistance for comprehensive problem-solvingtechnical support, and software development aid.

It was launched on November 2, 2023, and is available for all desktop users. Users have given positive feedback about the premium version of Leo, praising its speed and versatility.

To enjoy these exclusive features, the premium version costs $9.99 per month or $99.99 per year.

Leo’s AI Technology

Leo’s AI technology uses state-of-the-art algorithms from Claude Instant by Anthropic, ensuring both efficiency and security in its operations. Want to know more about how Leo maintains your privacy while delivering top-notch performance? Keep reading!

Use of AI technology from Claude Instant by Anthropic

Leo’s AI technology is designed to prioritize efficiency and security. By utilizing the advanced AI technology from Claude Instant by Anthropic, Leo is able to provide quick and accurate responses to user queries.

This means that users can get the information they need in a timely manner, without any unnecessary delays. Additionally, Leo ensures data security by forgetting all conversation data as soon as the chat is closed.

This helps protect user confidentiality and privacy, as there is no retention of personal information. With Leo, you can trust that your conversations are kept secure and your data remains private throughout your interactions with the chatbot.

brave app screenshot

Privacy Features of Leo

Leo prioritizes user privacy with its robust data retention and privacy measures, making it the most secure AI chatbot available. Find out how Leo compares to other chatbots in terms of protecting your personal information.

Data retention and privacy measures

When it comes to data retention and privacy, Leo AI takes user protection seriously. Your personal information is safe with Leo because it doesn’t save chats or require any personal details from you.

Once you close the chat, all conversation data is forgotten by Leo, ensuring your privacy. Additionally, Leo uses an anonymized reverse proxy that keeps your identity, location, and device information private.

Rest assured that Leo doesn’t store chats on its servers and does not share your chat data with anyone else. Your privacy and data security are highly valued by Leo AI!

Comparison to other chatbots

In comparing the privacy features of Leo to other popular AI chatbots, it becomes clear that Leo is designed with a unique focus on user privacy. Below is an overview in table format for easy comparison.

Chatbot Data Usage Data Retention Anonymizing Processes
Leo Does not use browsing data for ads Doesn’t save chats on its servers Uses an anonymized reverse proxy
Bing Uses browsing data for ads Retains some user data Doesn’t specify anonymizing processes
Chat GPT Requires user sign up and agreements Retains user data Doesn’t specify anonymizing processes


In conclusion, compared to other chatbots like Bing and Chat GPT, Leo is more cautious with user’s data, ensuring a higher degree of privacy.

Leo Pricing and Features

Leo’s premium version offers advanced features and benefits for a cost, enhancing the user experience with exclusive capabilities. Discover how Leo’s pricing and features can revolutionize your AI chatbot experience on Brave!

Premium version cost and benefits

The Premium version of Leo AI chatbot by Brave offers an enhanced user experience with many exclusive features. It costs $9.99 per month or you can choose the annual option for $99.99.

Cost Benefits
$9.99 per month or $99.99 per year
  • Faster responses
  • More detailed answers
  • Assistance with complex problems
  • Help with coding issues
  • Help with other in-depth tasks
  • Exclusive features
  • Quicker responses
  • Additional exclusive features


In essence, premium users enjoy a more versatile, efficient, and comprehensive AI chatbot experience on the Leo platform.

Exclusive features for premium users

As a premium user of Leo, you’ll enjoy some exclusive features that enhance your experience with the AI chatbot. These features are designed to provide faster responses and more detailed answers in various formats. You’ll receive assistance with complex problems, coding issues, and in-depth tasks. With the premium version of Leo, you’ll have access to advanced AI models that enable quicker answer delivery and offer additional features. As a premium subscriber, you’ll also enjoy exclusive perks that aren’t available to free users. The cost for the premium version is $9.99 per month or $99.99 per year.

How to Access Leo on Brave Browser

To access Leo on the Brave Browser, simply follow these easy installation and activation steps, customize your preferences, and experience the unmatched security and privacy of this game-changing AI chatbot.

Read more to unleash the power of Leo AI!

Installation and activation steps

To install and activate Leo on Brave Browser, follow these steps:

  1. Install the latest version of Brave Browser on your desktop.
  2. Once installed, open Brave and look for the Leo icon at the top right corner of the browser.
  3. Click on the Leo icon to activate the chatbot.
  4. Customize your Leo experience by adjusting the settings according to your preferences.
  5. Start interacting with Leo and enjoy its AI-powered capabilities directly within Brave.

Customization options

Leo AI offers a range of customization options to enhance your chatbot experience. You can personalize Leo based on your preferences and tailor it to suit your needs. Here are some of the ways you can customize Leo on the Brave browser:

  1. Configurable settings: Leo allows you to adjust various settings according to your liking. You can modify options such as language preferences, notification preferences, and behavior settings.
  2. Personalized responses: Leo can be customized to provide responses that align with your individual interests and requirements. You can set Leo to deliver information specific to your areas of interest or expertise.
  3. Tailored experiences: With Leo, you have the ability to create tailored experiences by choosing the topics or subjects you want Leo to focus on. This ensures that you receive relevant and useful information every time you interact with the chatbot.
  4. Flexibility in usage: Leo offers adaptable features that allow you to use it in a way that works best for you. Whether it’s adjusting the appearance, font size, or layout of the chat window, Leo provides flexibility for a comfortable user experience.
  5. Adjustable privacy settings: As privacy is a priority for Brave’s technology, Leo lets you control how much personal data is shared during interactions. You can easily manage data retention and privacy measures within the chatbot settings.

Future Launch on Mobile Platforms

Leo AI’s future launch on mobile platforms, including iOS and Android, will expand its availability to a wider audience while maintaining its commitment to privacy and advanced features.

Discover how Leo is revolutionizing the AI chatbot industry with Brave’s game-changing technology! Read more to explore Leo’s secure and unparalleled capabilities.

Planned launch on iOS and Android

Leo, Brave’s AI chatbot, is set to expand its reach with a planned launch on iOS and Android in early 2024. This exciting development will bring Leo’s powerful features and privacy protections to mobile users as well.

Whether you’re using Leo on your desktop or smartphone, you can expect the same level of efficiency and security that has made it popular among over a million daily users. Brave continues to prioritize user privacy while ensuring that Leo remains versatile in performing various tasks.

Continuation of privacy and features on mobile

I’m happy to share that Leo, Brave’s AI chatbot, will soon be available on mobile devices! In early 2024, Leo will be launched on both iOS and Android platforms. The great news is that the mobile version of Leo will offer the same level of privacy and features as the desktop version.

This means you can enjoy all the benefits of Leo’s secure and privacy-focused AI technology right on your mobile device. With Leo, your chat data remains private, ensuring user anonymity.

So whether you’re using Leo on your desktop or your mobile device, you can trust that your privacy is protected.

User Feedback and Experience

Users have praised Leo for its speed, privacy, and versatility. Read on to discover the challenges faced with complex questions and technical issues.

Positive user feedback on speed, privacy, and versatility

Users have given Leo AI positive feedback on its speed, privacy, and versatility. People appreciate how quickly Leo responds to their queries and completes tasks efficiently. They also value the focus on user privacy and data protection that Leo provides, ensuring their information remains secure and confidential.

Additionally, users find Leo to be versatile in handling various tasks, providing accurate information, and being knowledgeable in different areas. This has contributed to Brave’s success with over a million people using Leo daily.

Challenges with complex questions and technical issues

Leo, our AI chatbot, has been designed to provide you with a seamless and efficient experience. However, there are occasional challenges when it comes to handling complex questions and technical issues.

We understand that these difficulties can arise, and we want to assure you that we are actively working on refining Leo’s performance in these areas. Our team at Brave is committed to continually improving Leo’s ability to handle complex queries and resolve any technical issues that may arise.

Your feedback is crucial in helping us identify and address these challenges so that we can enhance your overall user experience with Leo.

AI Technology Used by Leo

Leo utilizes cutting-edge AI technology from Meta’s Long L2 and Anthropic’s Claude Instant, ensuring unparalleled security and privacy in chatbot interactions. To discover the incredible capabilities of Leo AI, continue reading this blog!

Utilization of Meta’s Long L2 and Anthropic’s Claude Instant

I’m excited to share with you how Leo, Brave’s AI chatbot, utilizes advanced AI technology to provide a secure and efficient user experience. Leo takes advantage of Meta’s Long L2, an open-source large language model based on Microsoft’s Turing NLG.

This powerful technology enables Leo to understand and respond to a wide range of questions and tasks. Additionally, Leo incorporates Anthropic’s Claude Instant, which enhances its efficiency while ensuring the utmost security for users’ data.

By employing these cutting-edge AI technologies, Leo minimizes reliance on third-parties and prioritizes user privacy in providing personalized responses and valuable information.

Less reliance on third-parties for user privacy

Leo AI is designed to prioritize user privacy, which means we minimize our reliance on third-party involvement. Unlike some other chatbots that may share your data with outside parties, Leo ensures confidentiality and data protection.

By primarily using our own AI technology, including Anthropic’s Claude Instant, we can maintain efficiency and security without relying on external sources. Additionally, Leo doesn’t save chats on its servers, which further enhances privacy by reducing the need for third-party storage.

With these measures in place, you can trust that your information is safe and that your anonymity is preserved when interacting with Leo AI.


In conclusion, Leo AI is a game-changing chatbot that prioritizes user privacy and security. With its integration into the Brave browser and use of efficient AI technology, Leo offers unparalleled privacy features while performing various tasks.

Its availability for desktop users and planned launch on mobile platforms further solidify Leo as the most secure AI chatbot in the market. Trust Leo to provide personalized assistance without compromising your privacy.


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